
You won't stop walking, but you can stop hurting

Pain-Relieving Inserts for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of your foot. That plantar fascia connects your heel bone to your toes, creating your foot's arch. Because you're at risk if you work on your feet, it pays to know the warning signs.

  • Early morning heel pain
  • Tight Achilles tendons and calves
  • A stride where you land on your heel
  • Uneven leg length
  • You've grown too heavy
  • Shoe soles show uneven wear

Effective treatments to cope with plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can be mild or severe, causing minor discomfort or excruciating pain. So if your foot is just starting to throb, schedule an appointment with James C. Loomis, DPM. Before your symptoms get worse, he'll prescribe the proper treatment.

  • Complete rest
  • Stretching
  • Ice therapy
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Custom orthotic inserts
  • Corrective foot surgery
Foot therapy

Call for emergencies.

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